Raj, the congenial host

Created by Julia 15 days ago
I first met Raj through working in libraries with his wife, Elizabeth.  She & I became friends & we met up as couples with our respective husbands, along with other colleagues & their husbands & wives, at a time when it was 'the thing' to take it in turns to host dinner parties, where there was lots of happy eating, drinking, chatting & laughing. Raj seemed quite a reserved person, at first, & I made him blush a few times with the things that I said. However, it soon became clear that he had a great sense of humour, strong opinions about things, & enjoyed a good party. My marriage failed but Raj & Elizabeth's stayed strong, & they went on to have their two lovely children, Sabrina & Davinder. For many years, I was always made very welcome in their home, with or without 'significant others' and fed many wonderful, late suppers. Raj was always a welcoming & generous host - a lovely man.